According to my Google search 5 minutes ago, nostalgia comes from the Greek words ' nostos', meaning 'to return home', and ' algia', meaning pain. I thought it was interesting that the original word involved pain, because that's exactly how it felt to play some of these games: painful . Nostalgia is a tricky subject to talk about because it's so difficult to pin down what makes something nostalgic. Everybody has their own sense of nostalgia and what falls under that umbrella will vary from person to person (for the record my questionable nostalgia game is Lego Rock Raiders for PC. Fight me, it's good). Having played some of these old Atari games from the so-called "Golden Age," I can safely say I feel like these games belong buried in the past. These days it's very popular to look to games from earlier eras for inspiration. I think it's pretty telling that there aren't often new games that say Asteroids or Dig Dug are the...